Located in the heart of the gothic quarter near La Rambla, El Ingenio shop has been trading festival-related goods for the people of Catalunya since 1838.


Puppets, festival heads, Carnaval masks and joke-shop paraphernalia lies a family-business spanning generations, with a passion for tradition and the timeless art of entertainment. 



Rosa Cardona is part of this lineage and the driving force behind the wall-to-wall artisan products that continue to be crafted by hand in a hidden workshop at the back of the premises.


The family has counted the likes of Salvador Dalí and the Cirque du Soleil as clients and the Catalan artist Joan Brossa found inspiration in El Ingenio.


Ahora que se acerca Halloween, es el sitio ideal para buscar el disfraz terrorífico y los accesorios más completos para niños y adultos. ¡El escaparate ya está preparado para Halloween!


El Ingenio

[googlemaps https://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=es&geocode=&q=El+Ingenio,+Barcelona&aq=0&oq=el+ingenio&sll=41.692248,1.745868&sspn=3.789944,8.448486&ie=UTF8&hq=El+Ingenio,&hnear=Barcelona,+Catalu%C3%B1a&t=m&cid=8841287820476016056&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

Carrer Rauric, 6 08002  Barcelona

Telf: 93 317 71 38



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