Dual storytelling: orally and in sign language.

Dual storytelling: orally and in sign language.

A couple of Saturdays ago we were in the Public Library of Josep Pons, in a session of “dual” storytelling: orally and in sign language. This activity is part of the initiative “Visquem els Contes” (we live the fairytales), an activity that...
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The Mammoth Museum

The Mammoth Museum is located in Montcada street, in Borne, in a building with a very nice entrance and high architectural interest since it is the only not religious building that has Gothic arches on the ground floor. The aim of the museum is to provide information...
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Granja Aventura Park. A farm for kids near Barcelona.

Granja Aventura Park. A farm for kids near Barcelona.

What we gonna see today is great for a family getaway near Barcelona. This is Granja Aventura Park. We went to visit it a few days ago, in fact it was inaugurated on the 2nd of June. The kids had a great time, saw animals (which is always a plan that assures success...
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La leyenda de Sant Jordi en tu Ipad

La leyenda de Sant Jordi en tu Ipad

¡Atención: este post va con regalo! Este año Sant Jordi va a ser más tecnológico que nunca y es que Mothertongue ha creado una “app” con la historia de la Leyenda de Sant Jordi. Conocí esta app a través de twitter y no tardé en descargarla. Soy fan de Sant...
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10 libros para niños de 0 a 10 años

10 libros para niños de 0 a 10 años

Se acerca uno de los días que dan más color a Barcelona: Sant Jordi, el día en que la ciudad se llena de libros y rosas. En Barcelona Colours os queremos recomendar algunso libros para niños y por qué no, también para vosotros. Esperamos que os gusten y que sirvan de...
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