International Museum Day is approaching. On May 18th, International Museum Day is celebrated, a day on which numerous cultural activities are organized in museums throughout Barcelona, as well as open doors events. From May 13th to 21st, you can take advantage of the opportunity to visit many of the museums and spaces in Barcelona and throughout Catalonia for free.

CHECK OUT THE FULL PROGRAM: International Museum Day 2023


On the occasion of International Museum Day, which is celebrated this weekend in Barcelona, various activities have been programmed for children and open doors events in several museums in the city. Some of the activities include workshops for children, free guided tours, shows, and educational games. Museums participating in the open doors events include the Picasso Museum, the MACBA, the CCCB, the Museum of the History of Barcelona, and the Maritime Museum, among others.



Here are some of the activities organized in some museums for families with children:

  • Picasso Museum: the museum organizes free children’s workshops for children aged 5 to 12. In addition, children can enjoy a puppet show and a guided tour of the exhibitions.
  • MACBA: the museum organizes creative workshops for children and young people aged 8 to 16. There are also family guided tours and online activities.
  • CCCB: the cultural center organizes creative workshops, guided tours, and educational games for children and families. There are also online activities to enjoy from home.
  • Museum of the History of Barcelona (MUHBA): the museum organizes family guided tours and creative workshops for children. There is also a special exhibition on the history of the city of Barcelona.
  • Maritime Museum of Barcelona: the museum offers workshops for children and guided tours for the whole family. There is also a special exhibition on the history of navigation.
  • Barcelona Natural Science Museum: the museum offers family activities and creative workshops for children. In addition, children can enjoy a puppet show and a guided tour of the exhibitions.
  • Chocolate Museum: the museum offers creative workshops for children and guided tours for the whole family. There are also chocolate tastings and an exhibition on the history of chocolate.

MORE INFORMATION: Check the website of each museum for more information about specific activities and schedules.


Here’s a list of 10 activities for families with children organized at museums in the province of Barcelona:

  • Museu de la Tècnica de l’Empordà: Family workshops to discover technology and science in a fun and participatory way.
  • Museu del Càntir d’Argentona: Guided tour and workshop to learn how to model and decorate a clay jug.
  • Museu-Arxiu Municipal de Calafell: Children’s workshop on experimental archaeology to learn about the life of ancient Romans.
  • Museu de la Moto de Bassella: Exhibition of vintage motorcycles and workshops for children with electric motorcycles.
  • Museu de la Pell d’Igualada: Workshops for children and young people to discover the secrets of leather and learn to create their own leather article.
  • Museu de la Pagesia de Fogars de la Selva: Workshop to learn how to make homemade jam with natural products.
  • Museu del Còmic i la Il·lustració de Sant Cugat: Family activities to learn about the history of comics and illustration, comic creation workshops and board games.
  • Museu del Ferrocarril de Vilanova i la Geltrú: Miniature trains, craft workshops, guided tours, and exhibitions for railway enthusiasts.
  • Museu Etnològic del Montseny de Arbúcies: Activities to discover the life and customs of the Montseny inhabitants through history, music, and games.
  • Museu del Gas de la Pobla de Lillet: Workshop to create natural soap and learn to recycle used oil to take care of the environment.


CHECK OUT THE FULL PROGRAM: International Museum Day 2023

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